Content: Removal patches - Other patches
Index: A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Remove AHA (AVM Home Automation)
Remove the aha daemon and some related files. Used for “Smart Home”. This patch only removes the files, not the settings in AVM’s web interface.
Remove Annex B firmware
Remove lib/modules/dsp_/-B-dsl.bin. This saves about 330-400 KB of uncompressed data size.
Remove assistant (wizard)
Removes the installation assistant from the web menu.
Removes the SIP configuration assistant (about 155kB uncompressed) from the web menu. With this patch you can’t create new phones, but change and use existing ones.
REMOVE_AURA_USB: Remove AURA (AVM USB Remote-Architecture)
Remove the aura-usb-daemon (remote USB connection, USB-Fernanschluss) and some related files. This patch only removes the files, not the settings in AVM’s web interface.
Remove AVM’s AVMCOUNTERD executable and libraries. This will save about 68kB compressed size.
REMOVE_AVM_E2FSPROGS: Remove e2fsprogs
Removes the e2fsprogs files (blkid, fsck, mkfs) and libraries. Saves about 220KB of compressed space. Warning: Without blkid the AVM scripts could not mount!
Remove AVM’s vpn and some other related files This patch removes the files and related Web UI entrys, but not the vpn settings. This will save about 120kB compressed size.
Remove AVM’s WireGuard executables, library and kernel module. This will save about 275kB compressed size.
Remove brandings
Each branding provides the web UI templates for a certain manufacturer or OEM. NOTE: Make sure not to remove the branding corresponding to the one defined in your box’s boot loader environment. It can be determined by calling the following command from the box’s shell prompt: echo $(cat /proc/sys/urlader/firmware_version)
REMOVE_BRANDING_kabelbw: kabelbw
Kabel Baden-Württemberg branding
Liberty Global Incorporated branding
Remove CAPIoverTCP
Remove CAPIoverTCP (capiotcp_server). Use this if you don’t want to use Fritz!Fax or any other program that uses AVM’s CAPIoverTCP. This is similar to rcapid, but independant. This will save about 15kB uncompressed size.
REMOVE_CDROM_ISO: Remove cdrom.iso
Removes the file /lib/modules/cdrom.iso to save 270kB uncompressed space.
Remove chronyd
Removes AVM’s time synchronization tool (chrony) and related files. This will save about 220kB uncompressed size.
Remove DDNSD
Removes the Dynamic DNS daemon (saves about 70 KB in compressed image)
Remove DECT
Remove dect files (modules, dect_manager and dect related Web UI). This saves 20K compressed size on W900V and 360k on 7240/7270. WARNING: While configuring telephony ctlmgr may crash and corrupt you settings!
Remove dect_update
Remove /usr/bin/dect_update. This utility is only needed to update the dect firmware. This will save about 32kB uncompressed size.
Remove dsl_control
Removes /usr/sbin/dsl_control. This saves about 540-669 KB of uncompressed data size. Select this only if you don’t use the the DSL modem. See
Remove dsld
Remove DSL daemon (dsld), if you are planning to use your box as a simple IP client (“Internet mitbenutzen”) without routing. ATA (“via Lan1”) and DSL mode will not work anymore. ATTENTION: You won’t be able to use your box as a modem nor a router anymore. As well do not use this option if your ATA mode box uses PPPoE passthrough, because in this case dsld is still needed! Furthermore, selecting this patch also selects the UPnP patch, because UPnP must be deactivated anyway for IP clients, otherwise dsld will be used again. You can find the UPnP settings in the German web UI under Einstellungen System Netzwerkeinstellungen Statusinformationen ueber UPnP uebertragen (empfohlen) Thirdly, the usermand patch will also be selected if you activate this option, because kernel module userman.ko always depends on kdsldmod.ko which is stripped by this patch.
Remove dtrace
Remove /usr/bin/dtrace. This utility is only needed to trace ISDN D-channel. This will save about 87kB uncompressed size.
REMOVE_ETHERNET_OVER_USB: Remove ethernet-over-usb
Removes avalanche_usb.ko to save 60kB uncompressed space. This is the Ethernet-over-USB driver which provides also CDROM emulation.
Remove ext2.ko
Remove ext2.ko (about 81 kB uncompressed / 24 kB compressed).
Remove FAT
Remove FAT modules This patch will remove fat.ko, vfat.ko and msdos.ko. Be careful, mounting volumes with this filesystem will not work. It saves about 80-135K compressed space in kernel.image.
Remove FHEM
Removes the FHEM scripts and kernel modules (cdc_acm & ftdi_sio). This saves about 100 KB, uncompressed.
Remove ftpd
Remove FTP daemon (ftpd) This patch removes AVM’s ftp daemon. The regular options in AVM’s Webinterface are still present. If you select this item your USB drives won’t be accessible through ftp anymore. But you can use Freetz bftpd/vsftpd package to grant ftp access to the devices.
Remove languages
This removes the selected language db /etc/htmltext_??.db files. Make sure you don’t remove the active language! A single db file is 40-950 KB big.
Remove leftover
This enables the scripts in patches/cond/300-remove-leftover/ which remove some unused leftovers of avm, currently
This removes and saves about 132 KB (uncompressed). NTFS and Webdav are also removed.
Remove lsof
Remove /bin/lsof binary. This saves about 48 KB compressed space in kernel.image.
Remove mediasrv (UPnP/DLNA)
Remove the MediaServer-daemon (mediasrv) and some other related files. This patch hides also the MediaServer options in the Web UI, so you must disable it before flashing the new image. Saves compressed 230 KB on a 7270_V2 and 40 KB on a 7170.
Remove MESHD (Settings Synchronize)
Removes “meshd” and “meshd_config” services and related files like the daemon and some scripts. This prevents log-spam when PLCD is removed too. Even AVM calles it “mesh” it is used to synchronize telephone and wlan settings from the master device to its authenticated slaves. There are NO changes of the avm-webif!
REMOVE_MICROVOIP_DSL: Remove microvoip-dsl.bin
Remove the files lib/modules/microvoip-dsl.bin and lib/modules/*/kernel/drivers/atm/avm_atm/tiatm.ko This saves about 590-700 KB of uncompressed data size.
Remove minid (Fritz!Mini and MT-D/F)
Remove the mini-daemon (minid) and some other related files. This patch removes Fritz!Mini and MT-D/F support and all Web UI entrys. Saves compressed 660 KB on a 7270_V3 and 460 KB on a 7170. ATTENTION: You must remove all Fritz!Mini’s from your Fritz!Box configuration and delete all Mini users with the Gini! software to avoid complications.
Remove module bins
Removes these (unused) kernel files: modules.alias.bin modules.builtin.bin modules.dep.bin modules.symbols.bin
Remove the diffs to the prime firmware. This saves about 120-230 KB of uncompressed data size and 67 KB of bspatch. Select this only if you don’t want to switch the firmware. See
This saves about 340-790 KB of uncompressed data size. Removes lib/modules/dsp_/-?-dsl.bin or lib/modules/*Vx180Code.bin.gz. Select this only if you don’t use the the DSL modem. See
Remove MyFritz
Removes the AVM MyFritz Webinterface. Saves about 1.1 MB uncompressed data size. WARNING: Access by some AVM apps is no longer possible!
Remove NAS
Removes the AVM NAS Webinterface and internal memory file (saves about 390 KB in compressed image).
Removes “nexus” related files like the daemon, service and some scripts. AVM’s begin of the “mesh” promotion campaign to share AHA data with all network devices. There are NO changes of the avm-webif!
Remove NLS
Remove NLS support This patch will remove all the nls_*.ko kernel module from the firmware. This may affect mounting FAT, NTFS and other filesystems. You can add some of the Freetz kernel nls modules if you need them.
Remove NTFS
Remove NTFS support This patch will remove ntfs-3g dependent files from the firmware. Be careful, mounting volumes with this filesystem will not work. It saves about 118K compressed space in kernel.image.
Remove PCPD (Port Control Protocol)
Removes “pcpd” service and related files like the daemon and some of the tools. PCP is used for dynamic port-forwardings and does not work without MESHD (don’t ask). There are NO changes of the avm-webif!
REMOVE_PIGLET_ISDN: Remove ISDN piglet file(s)
The firmware of this model contains separate piglet files for ISDN and POTS. Depending on your type of fixed line usage you can safely remove the unneeded bitfile(s). Hint: If you are using POTS fixed line you can try to select this patch. Be careful! Sometimes even POTS models are using the ISDN files and not the POTS ones. If your box ends up in a reboot cycle, you should deselect this patch and maybe want to try the other one, even
REMOVE_PIGLET_POTS: Remove POTS piglet file(s)
The firmware of this model contains separate piglet files for ISDN and POTS. Depending on your type of fixed line usage you can safely remove the unneeded bitfile(s). Hint: If you are using ISDN fixed line you could select this patch.
REMOVE_PIGLET_V1: Remove v1 piglet file(s)
The firmware of this model contains double piglet files. Which instance is needed depends on the hardware version (v1 or v2) of your box. You can safely remove the unneeded instance. Hint: If “echo $HWRevision_BitFileCount” returns “1” you could select this patch.
REMOVE_PIGLET_V2: Remove v2 piglet file(s)
The firmware of this model contains double piglet files. Which instance is needed depends on the hardware version (v1 or v2) of your box. You can safely remove the unneeded instance. Hint: If “echo $HWRevision_BitFileCount” returns “” (nothing) you could select this patch.
Remove PLCD (AVM Powerline)
This removes the plcd daemon (44-76kB uncompressed) and related start script. Known so far: It is used to scan the network for PLC devices and show them on the webinterface in mesh/network.
Remove printserv
Remove /sbin/printserv daemon. Select this patch if you don’t want to connect a printer to your box or if you plan to use usb/ip package. Saves about 8 KB of compressed space.
Remove usblp kernel module. Without this module it’s not possible to run a printer on your box. Saves about 12 KB of compressed space.
REMOVE_PUBKEY: Remove public firmware key
Removes /etc/avm_firmware_public_key1, just 266 bytes. Because the signature validation will fail on update: - You can’t flash firmware from AVM with the AVM Webinterface anymore. - Online-Update can’t install updates automatically anymore, but is still able to detect and inform you about new firmware versions. - Most important: No more “spontaneous self updates”. There are several reports on the web, that AVM is sometimes disrespecting your update settings to not automatically install new versions. Such a spontaneous self update would remove Freetz. Beside that, it’s still possible to flash any firmware by bootloader or Freetz. Updates for Dect devices are not affected by this patch because they are handled by *key2 on routers.
REMOVE_PUBKEY_INHAUS: Remove inhaus firmware key
Removes /etc/avm_firmware_public_key4 or /etc/avm_firmware_public_key3, just 266 bytes. Some inhaus firmwares use another file for signature validation: - *key4 for devices with dect (router) - *key3 for devices without dect (powerline & repeater, except gateway)
Remove ramzswap.ko
Remove ramzswap.ko (about 35 kB uncompressed).
REMOVE_RUNCLOCK: Remove run_clock
Remove /bin/run_clock (operating hours meter) daemon. This saves about 5K compressed space in kernel.image.
Remove Samba/NQCS
Removes Samba daemons (smbd, and nmbd if available) or NQCS. This patch removes only the daemons. The regular options in AVM’s webinterface are still present.
Remove showdsldstat
Removes the showdsldstat utility which shows you the cpmac mode, connect time, external ip, route and dns servers. Also the state of IPv6, voip and tr069. Unsure a.t.m. if this tool is required by other AVM programs! AVM-WebDAV will be patched to not depend on showdsldstat (hopefully).
Remove socat
Remove /sbin/socat binary. This saves about 247 KB compressed space in kernel.image.
Remove support-files
Remove the support-files which can be taken by or
Remove the eventsdump binary, saves about 6kB (uncompressed). With the file you could dump AVM’s “Ereignisse” to the console. Seem to be use only by AVM’s support-files.
Remove telephony
Radically remove a lot of telephony-related files. This patch saves about 2370 KB or 2.3 MB of uncompressed data size in the firmware image. This means savings of about 700 KB of compressed firmware size. ATTENTION: Currently there have not been a whole lot of tests concerning side effects. The patch was successfully tested on a W701V IP client with removed UPnP/dsld/userman. If it still works for boxes including those functionalities, is unknown. Feel free to test it.
Remove telnetd
This disables the busybox applet for telnetd and removes the link to it.
Remove tr064
Removes libtr064 to save space. WARNING: Access by some AVM apps is no longer possible!
Remove tr069
Removes libtr069 to save space.
REMOVE_TR069_FWUPDATE: Remove fwupdate
Removes the file /usr/bin/tr069fwupdate or /usr/bin/fwupdate, needed for updating the firmware of dect devices.
REMOVE_TR069_HTTPSDL: Remove httpsdl
Removes the file /usr/bin/httpsdl or /usr/bin/webget, used by: * tr069/fwupdate, you have removed it * firmware updater, with Freetz you don’t want it * live-pictures from door clock (TFE) * some more ? This saves 15-45 KB of uncompressed data size.
Removes /etc/default.${BOX}/${OEM}/providers-${ALC}.tar files containing the defaults for many ISPs. Every branding has such a file with up to 310 KB of uncompressed data size for each. WARNING: Enable this patch only if - you already have configured your internet connection, and - don’t use any predefined ISP.
Removes /etc/default.${BOX}/${OEM}/voip_providers-${ALC}.tar files containing the defaults for many VOIP providers. Every branding has such a file with more than 90 KB of uncompressed data size for each.
Remove UMTS support This patch will remove UMTS-dependent files from firmware. It saves about 12K compressed space in kernel.image.
This removes the untrustedd daemon (10kB uncompressed) and related service script. Known so far: Nothing.
Remove UPnP (igdd/upnpd)
Remove Universal Plug’n’Play daemon ‘igdd/upnpd’ and some more files used by it from firmware. Patch init scripts so they can cope with the non-existent binary. WARNING: Don’t select this if you are using an AVM Repeater with Guest-Wlan! ATTENTION: Fritz!Fax relies on UPnP. Make sure you deactivate all UPnP features in the web menu before updating the firmware with this option. It may not be harmful not to deactivate it, but there is no guarantee. You can find the settings in the German web UI under Einstellungen System Netzwerkeinstellungen Statusinformationen ueber UPnP uebertragen (empfohlen)
Remove USB Host This patch will remove all the kernel modules needed for the USB Host from the firmware. You will not be able to use USB storage or USB printers unless you provide a way to download and install these modules at runtime. Selecting this patch does not automatically select the patches to remove the kernel modules for the file systems (EXT2, FAT, NTFS, …)
Remove WebDAV (AVM Online-Speicher)
Remove WebDAV (Online-Speicher) feature. Saves about 510 KB of uncompressed data size. On 7270v1 only scripts, links and a 10KB library.
Remove websrv
Patch init scripts so BusyBox’s httpd is used instead of AVM’s websrv. The websrv binary will be removed from the firmware image. If “Remove UPnP daemon (igdd/upnpd)” patch is also selected, ‘’ will be removed too, because only those two binaries use it.
Remove WLAN
Radically remove a lot of wlan-related files. This patch saves about 700 kb of uncomrpessed data size in the firmware image. WARNING: Do not enable Wlan, you will get a reboot loop!
Add Annex A firmware file
Add lib/modules/dsp_ur8/ur8-A-dsl.bin. This costs about 400 KB of uncompressed data size. But you can remove Annex B file if you plan to use Annex A.
ADD_ETCNETCONFIG: Add /etc/netconfig
Adds /etc/netconfig file. Used eg by libtirpc and rpcbind.
ADD_ETCSERVICES: Add /etc/services
Adds /etc/services file. Used eg by nfsd and rpcinfo. This patch is only availably for firmware not yet containing the file, typically before FOS 7.1x.
ADD_REGEXT_GUI: Patch GUI to enable external SIP connections
Patches the WebUI and add a checkbox to enable setting “reg_from_outside” in the voip.conf.
ADD_SWAPOPTIONS: Add swap options
Add swap configuration options.
Add telnetd
Adds the busybox applet for telnetd, its link and the configuration webif.
ASYNCHRONOUS_DEBUG_CFG: Process /var/flash/debug.cfg asynchronously
Enables asynchronous processing of /var/flash/debug.cfg. Requires AVM’s /sbin/delay binary in order to work.
This adds support for ext2 filesystem to your firmware.
This adds support for ext3 filesystem to your firmware.
This adds support for ext4 filesystem to your firmware.
This enables detection of fat partitions.
This adds hfs+ module to your firmware.
This enables detection of linux-swap partitions.
This enables detection (not mounting) of luks partitions.
This adds ntfs-3g mount helper to your firmware.
This adds reiserfs module to your firmware.
Remaps multid’s binding of the DHCP port. Don’t forget to set up a server for the guest-wlan too.
Remaps multid’s binding of the DNS ports, so another dns-server could be used, avm’s dynamic-dns updater and timesync works correct.
Disables dsld’s IGD & multid’s UPNP-device
Disables multid’s IGMP proxy
Remaps multid’s binding of both LLMNR (“Link- local Multicast Name Resolution) ports.
AVMDAEMON_DISABLE_MULTIDPORTS: Disable services by preload
This disables some ports bindings of multid by remapping them to higher ones.
AVMDAEMON_DISABLE_NTP: Disable ntp client
Disables multid’s basic NTP client
AVMDAEMON_DISABLE_TR069: Disable tr069
Disables multid’s tr069discover
CUSTOM_ETCSERVICES: Custom /etc/services
Adds freetz-specific services to /etc/services. Used eg by netstat to display names of IP-ports.
CUSTOM_UDEV_RULES: Enable custom UDEV rules
You could use own rules for UDEV.
DISABLE_DEBUG_CFG_SUPPORT: Disable processing of /var/flash/debug.cfg
Disables processing of /var/flash/debug.cfg while booting. Note: /var/flash/debug.cfg is still available, it’s however not processed while booting. Warning: if selected you won’t be able to install/start such 3rd-party extensions like FHEM, LCR Updater, etc.
DISABLE_SERIAL_CONSOLE: Disable console on serial port
Choose this if you do not want your Box to start a console/shell on its serial port (/dev/ttyS0). This is particularly helpful if you want to use the serial port exclusively with another application, e.g. minicom.
DROP_NOEXEC_EXTERNAL: Drop noexec for (external) storages
Allows to execute files on external storages like USB sticks and HDDs.
Enable GPON serial textbox
Re-enables access to the GPON serial textbox on support page.
Enable LED deactivation page
Re-enables access to the LED deactivation page in expert mode.
Enable VLAN
Re-enables the VLAN configuration pages of voip in ata-mode.
ENFORCE_BRANDING_kabelbw: kabelbw
Kabel Baden-Württemberg branding
Liberty Global Incorporated branding
ENFORCE_TMP_PERMISSIONS: Enforce /tmp/ permissions
Changes /var/tmp/ permissions back to 1777 after AVM sets 755.
ENFORCE_URLADER_SETTING_FIRMWARE_VERSION: Enforce firmware_version variable
Choose wisely. Your image beeing built must support this. Typical settings are eg.: avm, avme, tcom, 1und1, … If this is empty the urlader setting won’t be touched.
ENFORCE_URLADER_SETTING_MY_IPADDRESS: Enforce my_ipaddress variable
This is the AVM default, enforce to also to reseller boxes, eg. from T-Com If this is empty the urlader setting won’t be touched.
Choose wisely. Your image beeing built must support this. Typical settings are eg.: Fritz_Box_DECT_7270, Fritz_Box_DECT_W920V If this is empty the urlader setting won’t be touched.
ENFORCE_URLADER_SETTINGS: Enforce urlader environment
Enforce some urlader (Adam2/EVA) environment variables. * useful for tcom boxes having non-AVM standard settings in bootloader (my_ipaddress, firmware_version, ProductID) * useful for people that do clear mtd3/mtd4 often. This settings are enforced at the beginnig of the boot process.
MODIFY_COUNTER: Extend online counter
Converts counter hours to days and traffic MB to GB.
Extends the DSL settings page with “speed” settings.
Shows DSL spectrum page with min/man visible initialy.
MODIFY_DSL_WARNING: Patch DSL modified message
Hides the “modified” message from the DSL page.
Modify umtsd: only for known modems
AVM’s umtsd will only be started if a known umts modem is detected. So your /dev/ttyUSB? could be used by other programs.
PATCH_ALARMCLOCK: Patch third alarm-clock
Adds a third alarm-clock to AVM-Webinterface
Patch ATA
Patches the ATA mode configuration pages into the web menu. The ATA-Mode (better: IP-Client Mode) disables the DSL modem and routing and reduces the power consumption of a box. Some models disable this feature, most models have brandings or environment configuration which disable the IP-Client Mode. This patch forces the ATA-Mode to be enabled. ATA will not work with some 7170/7140 due to limited hardware, see
PATCH_BETA_ATTRIBUTES: Patch Beta/Labor attributes
This patch removes Beta/Labor attributes from some (older) firmwares AVM released only as Betas so far.
Patch cockpit connection graphics
Hides the “needless huge internet visualisation” images from cock pit.
Patch cockpit homenet info
Hides the “homenet details” on the right from cock pit.
Patch cockpit internet info
Hides the “internet details” on the left from cock pit.
Patch cockpit unsecure settings
Hides the “not secure settings” message from cock pit.
Patch cockpit update link
Hides the “check for updates” link from cock pit.
This disables the AVM watchdog on system start. The AVM watchdog reboots the device if - system start takes longer than 2, 4 or 8 minutes - some defined AVM daemon crashes
PATCH_DSL_EXPERT: Patch extended DSL settings
Patches the extended dsl-settings from labor-dsl into all-in-one-firmwares.
Patch enum
Patches the enum configuration pages into the web menu.
Patches the WebUI to allow sending multiple fax pages. Just select multiple picture files in the upload dialog.
Patches the WebUI to allow voice-over-GSM. Highly experimental! Your UMTS stick has to support it. Webif: Internet > Mobilfunk > Telefonie ueber Mobilfunk
Enables the GUEST configuration options in ip-client mode. DHCP may not work on the guest network interface, and need to be set up manually.
PATCH_MAXDEVCOUNT: Raise the count of connectable usb device to 9
Use this patch if you would connect more than 3 device to the box
Unhides Annex selection in Fritz!OS web interface.
PATCH_MODFS_BOOT_MANAGER: Add yf-bootmanager
Extends the “reboot” page of FRITZ!OS to select system version and branding.
This uses the experimental Github-Tag: freetz-ng-test
This uses the stable Github-Tag: freetz-ng-version
PATCH_MULTIPLE_PRINTERS: Add support for multiple printers
Use this patch if you want to use more than one printer.
PATCH_SECURE: Patch web menu secure message
Hides the “unsecure settings” message from the web interface.
PATCH_SECURE_2fa: Caused by twofactor_disabled
twofactor_disabled does not trigger the message.
PATCH_SECURE_nau: Caused by noAutoupdate
noAutoupdate does not trigger the message.
PATCH_SECURE_nus: Caused by noUpdateSearch
noUpdateSearch does not trigger the message.
PATCH_SECURE_sip: Caused by ipphone_from_outside
ipphone_from_outside does not trigger the message.
PATCH_SIGNED: Patch web menu signed message
Hides the “unsupported changes” message from the web interface. Known reasons are NOT_SIGNED, TELNET, DEBUGCFG and IMPORT. Run “echo clear_id 87 > /proc/tffs” to reset the fw_attrib flag.
PATCH_START_WLAN_IF_ON_BOOT: Start wlan interface on boot
Runs “ifconfig wlan up” on system start to enable ip assignment etc, which fails on some devices with installed Freetz. This is a workaround! The cause of this problem is still unknown.
PATCH_UDEVMOUNT: Add udevmount
Adds a mount/unmount hook to: - Automatically start/stop external. - Execute - Terminate programs blocking unmount. - Logging of (un)mount events.
PATCH_VCC: Patch 2nd VCC
Patches the setting for 2nd VCC into web menu. It also adds two additional settings (PCR & SCR) not available in the original AVM firmware. Please also note that it is not possible to change the value of traffic_class setting via the web-interface. You have to do it some other way (e.g. using FBEditor or nvi ar7.cfg). Warning: Please read up on what each VCC setting means before setting/changing it. Besides not working wrong values may cause additional costs for you as your provider may treat it as simultaneous dial-in attempts (Doppeleinwahl). The correct values for an 1&1-Komplettanschluss are: VPI = 1; VCI = 35; traffic_class = atm_traffic_class_CBR; pcr = 603; scr = 0;
PATCH_VOL_COUNTER: Restore volume counter support
Adds volume counter support removed by AVM for some (probably marketing) reasons.
PATCH_W920V_LED_MODULE: Change LED semantics to W920V
If Y is choosen, this changes the semantics of the LEDs on the front panel of your 7570/W920V box fitting the descriptions of the W920V.
Patch webif features
This enables the scripts in patches/cond/800-webif_features/ which patch some webif features, currently
Replace ar7login
If wrapper was started by telnetd AND root password is defined, proceed with regular user/password login. Otherwise fall back to web password (and user, if set) login.
Replace dtrace
Dtrace will be replaced by a symlink to /tmp/flash/mod/dtrace. Activating this option lets you execute a custom action via phone using #973 keycode sequence.
Replace onlinechanged - EXPERIMENTAL
AVM’s built-in onlinechanged is not reliably called on some DSL boxes for unknown reasons (see On boxes behind a NAT, e.g. on many IP clients, behind cable routers etc., onlinechanged is not triggered either because dsld is not responsible for the connection. Thus, services on such boxes cannot be reinitialised automatically after the external IP address has changed. This is where this patch can be useful: It starts a shell script /sbin/ip_watchdog via /etc/inittab and makes sure the script is automatically restarted (via “respawn”) in case it is terminated accidentally. The script periodically (60 s) checks the external IP via /usr/bin/get_ip and calls AVM’s and Freetz’s onlinechanged scripts via /bin/ if the IP has changed. At the same time the patch ensures that AVM’s master script /bin/onlinechanged is empty, so the scripts are not called twice. Who should use this patch? First of all users with boxes configured for NAT who cannot profit from AVM onlinechanged at all. Secondly users having problems with AVM onlinechanged being called unreliably on their DSL boxes. Limitations: Environment variable IPADDR is set as usual, but no other variables set by AVM multid in original onlinechanged such as NETMASK, GATEWAY, DNS1, DNS2. They are currently not used by AVM or Freetz scripts anyway, so this limitation should not be a problem. Another difference to AVM onlinechanged is that this solution only calls “onlinechanged online”, never “onlinechanged offline”. This also should not be a problem, but you should be aware of it.
Replace OpenSSL libraries
Use this option only if you are running out of space and if you really know, what you are doing. Activating this option may cause an unstable system, uncontrolled reboots and other side effects. Activating this option saves about 400KB in the image.
REPLACE_OUTER_UCLIBC_AND_BUSYBOX: Replace uClibc and BusyBox in outer image
This replaces uClibc and BusyBox in the outer image by a self built version. This could cause a bad configurstion like missing applets. The worst case is a not booting image.
RESTORE_DEBUG_CFG_SUPPORT: Restore support for /var/flash/debug.cfg
Restores support for /var/flash/debug.cfg removed by AVM for security reasons in Fritz!OS 6.20 (6.0x on some boxes).
RUN_TELEFON_IN_INHAUS_MODE: Run telefon daemon in inhaus mode
Running telefon daemon in “inhaus mode” restores: - Processing of /var/flash/calllog on incoming calls. In case you added telnetd, this patch also restores: - Support for telnetd on/off by phone (#967 / #968). - Processing of /var/flash/fx_conf attributes responsible for automatic start of telnetd.
Select hardening
This selects some patches to remove unsecure files/services: - TR069: Your provider is able to create user accounts and could then login to your device remotely. - KIDS: BPjM lists used by contfiltd get updates by download. Juis provides these unsecure http:// urls. The lists itself contain only a crc32 which could be calulated easily and any site could be blocked by attacker. - MYFRITZ: AVM has wildcard certificates for * and can attack your HTTPS sessions as man-in-the-middle. - PUBKEY: Removing the public key of AVM prevents unwanted firmware updates which could occur spontaneousily.
This adds ext2 module to your firmware.
This adds ext3 module to your firmware.
This adds ext4 module to your firmware.
This adds fat module to your firmware.
This adds hfs module to your firmware.
This adds hfs+ module to your firmware.
This adds ntfs-3g mount helper to your firmware.
This adds reiserfs module to your firmware.